

(σ⁻μμ)F=(σ˘μσ˘μ)F의 재고


(σ⁻μμ)F=(σ˘μσ˘μ)F Revisited


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The goal of this paper is to cross-linguistically examine the equivalence between a single heavy-syllable foot and a two-light syllable foot in the rhythmic grouping. In spite of their bimoraicity nature in quantity, (σ⁻ μμ)F=(σ˘ μσ˘ μ)F does not function equally across languages under the guidance of quantitative asymmetry between iambs and trochees proposed by Hayes (1995). In iambic system languages the iambic-specific phonological process such as Iambic Lengthening attempts to be the best quantitative shapes of disyllabic uneven iambs (LH) by means of lengthening the strong branch of (LL). As a result, the rank of (H) > (LL) comes out. The Trochaic Shortening process does the same role in the trochaic system languages to reach the harmonic goal of disyllabic even trochee (LL), producing (LL) > (H), otherwise (LL) and (H) are not scaled each other. Therefore, the equivalence between (σ⁻μμ)F and (σ˘μσ˘ μ)F does not seem to be a universal principle but a strong linguistic tendency which is varied with the presence of language-specific phonological processes like Iambic Lengthening and Trochaic shortening and their hierarchical constraint rankings wiith other constraints.


I. 서론
 II. 강세 유형
  2.1 약강격 강세 유형
  2.2 강약격 강세 유형
 III. 최소단어 요건
 IV. (σ⁻μμ)F와 (σ˘μσ˘μ)F의 한 음보유형만 채택하는 언어
  4.1 Norwegian
  4.2 Japanese
 V. 결론


  • 조혜성 Hye-Sung Cho. Mokpo National Maritime University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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