The national power and the inner world of people
Europeans found individualism and come out from the world of incantation in 17-8C. They made a contract with a monster(=state)called leviathan(=state) and they delivered their natural right and got his protection for their freedom and property. And it is the most important thing that he should not infringe the inner world of them. Carl Schmidt called such a country as neutral state. Korea accepted the European civilization through the very hard times in which they experienced the harrassment and Japanese colonization. But the real trouble is that the state does occasionally infringe the contract, which mainly comes from the twist of modernization. And it is the most serious thing that the state has strong desire to dominate the very inner world of people. We can easily perceive its desire everywhere and the oath to a law-abiding and national security law are typical. The state is inclined to misuse those instruments owing to the uncertainty. But the traditional research has overlooked the aspect mentioned above. this theses aims to review those issues and suggest the debating material.
II. 준법서약제도
III. 국가보안법 제 7조
IV. 국가권력과 인간의 내면세계 그리고 근대법(=가상현실) -맺음말을 대신하여-