

American Sign Language Translation through Sensory Glove; SignSpeak



To make a communication bridge, a highly accurate, cost effective and an independent glove was designed for deaf/mute people to enable them to communicate. The glove translates the sign language gestures into speech according to the American Sign Language Standard. The glove contained flex and contact sensors to detect the movements of the fingers and bending of the palm. In addition an accelerometer was built in the glove to measure the acceleration produced by the changing positions of the hand. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to train the glove into recognizing various gestures, and later classify the gestures into alphabets in real time. The glove then established a Bluetooth link with an Android phone, which was used to display the received letters and words and convert the text into speech. The glove was found to have an accuracy of 92%.


 1. Introduction
  1.1 Previous Work
  1.2 Available Gloves in the Market
 2. Methodology
  2.1. Glove Design Module
  2.2. Selection of Appropriate Sensors
  2.3. Location of Sensors
  2.4. Data Acquisition Module
  2.5. Hardware used
  2.6. Software Interface
  2.7. Feature Extraction
  2.8. Feature Matching
  2.9. Wireless (Bluetooth) Link and Android Application
  2.10. Transmitting Data from Arduino to PC
  2.11. Transmitting Data from Arduino to Android Device
 3. Results and Discussion
 4. Conclusion


  • JanFizza Bukhari Department of Electrical Engineering School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science National University of Sciences & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Maryam Rehman Department of Electrical Engineering School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science National University of Sciences & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Saman Ishtiaq Malik Department of Electrical Engineering School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science National University of Sciences & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Awais M. Kamboh Department of Electrical Engineering School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science National University of Sciences & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Ahmad Salman Department of Electrical Engineering School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science National University of Sciences & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan


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