

Optimization Design of Wind Turbine Blade based on MATLAB



The author to Willson wind turbine blade optimization design mathematical model, draw the corresponding program block diagram, and use MATLAB high-level programming language to write the wind turbine blade aerodynamic design program. Application of the design program design, the manufacture of the small wind turbine model, and through the actual vehicle test on the pneumatic performance. Experiment proves that the application of MATLAB high-level programming language design of wind turbine blade to realize the maximization of wind energy use efficiency; Matching with spring type variable propeller torque mechanism, but also realized the author predicted low wind speed large output, high wind speed steady output of the ideal effect, in order to solve the low wind speed wind turbine start-up, big wind speed under the condition of the wind turbine output is too large under the condition of the problem of difficult to control provides a new train of thought.


 1. Introduction
 2. Optimized Design of Wind Turbine Blades
 2. Test and Result Analysis
  2.1 Test Method
  2.2 Results Analysis
 3. Conclusion


  • Liu Yang Inner Mongolia Normal University, Huhot, China, 010022
  • Jia Bin Inner Mongolia Power Resarch Institut, Huhot, China, 010022


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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