

Secure Data Transmission through RDH



Nowadays, with the rapid growth in information technology more and more images and data are available on the internet. So there is a need to provide some kind of authentication to such important data. When the sender transmits the image to the receiver, there may be intruders present in between who may capture the image. After capturing the image the mage the intruder may view the meaningful content in the image. This may not be the problem in some cases. But if we consider security applications like medical and military images then such distortion is unacceptable. To avoid misuse or loss of information several reversible data hiding techniques (RDH) are implemented. This paper gives details on watermarking, LSB, Histogram and RDH using optimum Thresholding with related results.


 1. Introduction
 2. Watermarking Technique
  2.1. Algorithm to embed one watermark into other watermark
  2.2. Algorithm to embed nested watermark into cover image:
  2.3. Algorithm for Watermark Extraction
 3. Least-Significant Bit (LSB) Technique
  3.1. Data Embedding
  3.2. Data Extraction
  3.3. Image Encoding Algorithm
 4. Histogram-based Reversible Data Hiding
  4.1. Rhombus Prediction and Sorting
  4.2. Histogram Modification on Pixel Differences
 5. RDH using optimum value Transfer
  5.1. Optimal Transfer Mechanism
  5.2. Single-level-2D-DWT
 6. Conclusion


  • S. Bhavani M. Tech in Digital Electronics & Communication Systems
  • B. Raviteja M. Tech in Digital Electronics & Communication Systems


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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