

A High-security RFID Grouping Proof Protocol




Several categories of RFID authentication protocols have been proposed recently, among which Jules [5] introduced a novel research direction, named yoking proof. It is used to solve the problem that two tags have to be scanned simultaneously for some reasons. Afterwards, the yoking proof was developed into the grouping proof protocol and many such protocols have been presented. However there are some flaws on security or computational overhead. Based on the existing grouping proof protocols, a new method on key distribution is developed in this paper by means of distributing the points on straight lines to the entities. With this method, the performance of the grouping proof protocol will be improved. In comparison with the previous protocols, it provides security enhancement and performance improvement, which balances security and computational overhead to some extent.


 1. Introduction
 2. Design of the High Security RFID Grouping Proof Protocol
  2.1. Basis
  2.2. Protocol Design
 3. Analysis on the Performance of the Protocol
  3.1. Analysis on Performance
  3.2. Analysis on Security
 4. Conclusion


  • Ping Huang School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
  • Haibing Mu School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China


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