Building energy consumption monitoring and management system plays a vital role in the advance of building energy conservation, because it offers abundant online real time data, which are mainly used to further analyze energy saving potential and put forward a feasibility methodology for implementation. In addition to its extreme importance in decreasing energy consumption and saving costs, the platform can also help to find the anomalies of the main equipment. In this paper, we first introduce the structure of the monitoring platform, and then put forward an error analysis principle to improve the precision of heat meters. A case study is given for a building in “hot summer and cold winter” area, including the installation of various measuring meters and data verification. Finally, the energy consumption data of the building from January to December in 2013 were analyzed.
1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. System Overview
3.1. Building Description
3.2. System Network Structure
4. Construction of Energy Consumption Platform
4.1. Error Control Principle
4.2. Installing of Meters
4.3. Data cCollection
4.4. Data Verification
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Energy Consumption Distribution
5.2. Electric Energy Consumption Analysis
5.3. Discussion
6. Conclusion