

Study on Emporium Airflow Optimization in View of Cooling Load Distribution Indoor




Large load and high energy consumption is the characteristics of air-conditioning in shopping malls. For most of these shopping malls which are in excessively high energy consumption were accompanied by unreasonable airflow forms. This work measured the lighting and body cooling load at three shopping malls, analyzed lighting and body cooling load on the different floors ,different lighting area, then compared the measured value and the design manual recommended values, According to the results of analysis, recommended values is wrong. A personalized airflow forms is proposed according to the actual personnel distribution of the shopping mall; the plan of ceiling exhaust is proposed according lighting heat dissipation, the ventilation efficiency of air conditioning systems proved be significantly increased after the improvements of airflow form, it provide an effective reference to design air conditioning system for these types of shopping malls.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Object of Study Introduction
 3. Test Methods and Content
  3.1Test Method
  3.2 Indoor and Outdoor Air Parameters in Shopping Malls
  3.3 The Maximum of Moment Cooling Load Constitution during the Test day
 4. The Characteristics of Interior Building Lighting and Body Cooling Load
  4.1 Density and Distribution of Lighting Cooling Load
  4.2 Personnel Cooling Load Density and Distribution
 5. Air Flow Optimization for Indoor Load Distribution Characteristics
  5.1 Adjustment of the Outlet and Return air Location
  5.2 Exclude High-temperature Air Inside the Ceiling
 6. Conclusions


  • LV Ziqiang University of Science and Technology of Liaoning
  • Liu Yingjie University of Science and Technology of Liaoning


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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