

Translation Dynamical Nonlinear Models in Perturbed Keplerian Conditions For a Geostationary Satellite



The dynamics of a GEO satellite will be studied in this work to obtain a dynamical model as accurate as possible. This model will be obtained in terms of Gauss’ variation of osculating parameter (VOP) equations containing the environmental perturbing accelerations, which are traditionally used to plan the station keeping maneuvers. The idea is to implement a controller for geostationary station keeping purposes based on a model written in terms of osculating orbital elements instead of averaged elements. Such a controller plans in an automatic way the station keeping (SK) maneuvers and it could be integrated on board in view of autonomous station keeping control loop.


 1. Introduction
 2. Nonlinear Model in Perturbed Keplerian Conditions
 3. Gauss Variation of Parameter (VOP) Equation
 4. Simulation Results
 5. Conclusion


  • Louardi Beroual Department of Electrical Engineering, Batna University, Algeria
  • Djamel Benatia Department of Electrical Engineering, Batna University, Algeria
  • Hejdjazi Nourelhouda Department of Electrical Engineering, Batna University, Algeria


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