Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA), a new meta-heuristic algorithm based on natural phenomenon of Cuckoo species and Lévy flights random walk has been widely and successfully applied to several optimization problems so far. In the paper two modified versions of CSA, where new solutions are generated using two distributions including Gaussian and Cauchy distributions in addition to imposing bound by best solutions mechanism are proposed for solving economic load dispatch (ELD) problem with multiple fuel options. The advantages of CSA with Gaussian distribution (CSA-Gauss) and CSA with Cauchy distribution (CSA-Cauchy) over CSA with Lévy distribution and other meta-heuristic are fewer parameters. The proposed CSA methods are tested on two systems with several load cases and obtained results are compared to other methods. The result comparisons have shown that the proposed methods are highly effective for solving ELD problem with multiple fuel options and/nor valve point effect.
1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Problem Formulation
4. Cuckoo Search Algorithm for ELD Problems with Multiple Fuel Options
4.1. Calculation of Generation for Slack Thermal Unit
4.2. Bound by Best Solutions
4.3. Cuckoo Search Algorithm Implementation to The Problem
5. Results and Discussions
5.1. Selection of Parameters
5.2. Obtained Results
6. Conclusion