

러시아 및 기타

칠정상(七情傷) 중 심(心)을 중심으로 본 정서장애치료를 위한 색채치료와 상담


Color Therapy and Counseling for Emotional Disorders Therapy - according to diagnose the ChilJeongSang(七情傷) at the Sim(心) -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The HuangdiNeijing(黃帝內經) is a leading Oriental Medicine books in existence. And the book that is the basis of Oriental Medicine Theory. This Paper was undertaken reinterpretation; SimShin(心神) and Emotional Disorders relevant Emotional Sentence review a few passages(考察) mentioned in the HuangdiNeijing(黃帝內經). Then suggested reinterpretation by Color Therapy and Counseling applicability. The Yin-Yang and the Five Elements theory(陰陽五行學說) has been applied in the Orient during the long time; Natural and human body(生理) and Pathology(病理). The Pathological( 病理的) element means disharmony of the Yin-Yang and the five elements(陰陽五行). Since the Sim(心) and the Shin(神) is connected, actions of the Shin(神) have effect on the Sim(心). And it depends whether the sense of vitality is broad(it has control over the human body) or narrow(spirit). The Sim(心) related with broad sense of spirit is "Monarch of the organs(君主之官)". Therefore it has control over the human body. The Shin(神) of narrow mean is Jeongji(情志), that has mean one of the five vitalities(魂神意魄志). Therefore, this Paper was would like to take advantage of the Sanggeuk relationship(相剋關係 ) and the Seuingmo relationship(乘侮關係) for Emotional Disorder Therapy; do not treat drug therapies or acupuncture. Then by the result, suggested to acquire a therapeutic effect by Color Therapy and Counseling applicability.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 칠정상(七情傷)에 의한 정서장애
  1. 건강한 정서와 정서장애
  2. 황제내경에서 언급된 심신(心神)과 정서장애
 Ⅲ. 색채치료와 상담에서의 임상적 적용
  1. 미술치료와 색채치료
  2. 황제내경을 인용한 상담에서의 적용
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 김난영 Kim, Nan-Young. 안동과학대학교 미술심리재활과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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