

관광분야 커뮤니티비즈니스 활성화 전략 - 강원도를 중심으로 -


Activation strategies of community business in tourism industry - Focused on Gangwon Province -

유영심, 임관혁, 구완회

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of implementing community business policy in Gangwon Province which recently installs a social economy support center and activates the social economy and tourism industry, and to derive the challenges for activation of social economy and tourism industry in Gangwon Province through analysis on current situation of community business in tourism industry. In the main body, we analyzed the concept and scope of social economy, the system of promotion of tourism community business, current situation and cases of tourism community business in Gangwon Province. In the conclusion, we presented challenges for activation of tourism community business in Gangwon Province. Policies related to current community business include various limitations from aspects of awareness and participation of community residents, duplication in support policy of administration, needs of the intermediate support organizations and the weak power of the independent development. On the basis of current situation and cases of tourism community business and limitations of existing policies in Gangwon Province, we presented the challenges for activation of tourism community business in Gangwon Province as follows. First, it is required to introduce community based tourism community business. Second, it is necessary to modify laws and institutions and establish the support system. Third, it is required to establish and operate the intermediate support organizations. Fourth, it is necessary to enhance the management capacity and train experts.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
  1. 사회적경제의 개념과 영역
  2. 관광과 커뮤니티비즈니스
  3. 강원도 관광 커뮤니티비즈니스 현황과 사례
  4. 강원도 관광 커뮤니티비즈니스 활성화를 위한 과제
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 유영심 Youngsim Yu. 강원발전연구원 책임연구원
  • 임관혁 Kwanhyeok Lim. 가톨릭관동대학교 관광경영학과 교수
  • 구완회 Wanhae Koo. (주)커뮤니티워크 대표


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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