Firms issuing convertible debt significantly underperform their matching firms of similar firm size and book-to-market ratio when we measure long-term performance uSing cumulative abnormal returns. Cross-sectional tests reveal that the stock underperformance is positively related with the subsequent operating performance whi le it is negatively related with pre-event stock performance. These empirical results support the notions that the market underreacts at the time of the debt offering announcement and that convertible debt is usually issued when the firm is overvalued. However, the long-term underperformance is not clear when we use the Fama-French intercept and the Calendar-Time Abnormal Returns to overcome
I. 서론
II. 기존문헌 연구
1. 역선택과 시장투자자들의 단기반응
2. 장기주가 및 영업성과의 변화
3. 시장효율성과 모델오식별 (model misspecification)
4. 행동재무관리
III. 표본구성 및 연구방법
1. 표본구성
2. 연구방법
IV. 실증분석 결과
1. 표본회사와 매칭회사의 회사규모 및 장부가-시장가비율
2. 누적초과수익률
3. 총자산순이익률
4. 누적초과수익률과 기업 및 증권 특성변수들과의 상관관계
4. Fama-French 3요인 모델의 절편
5. 월평균초과수익률
V. 결론