

‘-에’와 ‘-에서’의 기본의미 비교 고찰


A Study on Comparing basic meaning of ‘-e(에)’ with ‘-eseo(에서)’.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Cho, Chae-hyung. 2014. A Study on Comparing basic meaning of ‘-e(에)’ with ‘-eseo(에서)’. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 39-4, 1021-1041. This paper is for study the relationship between ‘-e(에)’and ‘-eseo(에서)’with comparing their basic meanings. Since in this way, the functions of the Case markers are discussed within the functions of Case, there are a lot of studies in which the Case Markers' functions are mixed with the Case functions. Especially because Korean Adverbial Case Markers have various forms and functions, their systems are not easy to catch with accuracy. Accordingly, many attempts are made to analyze the various functions of the meanings of the Adverbial Case Markers. Most of the works, unfortunately, show the limitation on the meaning function analyses of the Adverbial Case Markers. In order to solve these problems, First, we prove that Case markers not only function as Case-marking but have their own meanings with various examples from a synchronic perspective. At the next step, applying Metaphor and Localism in Cognitive grammar, we deduce its abstract meanings from various meanings of ‘-e(에)’ and derive its semantic feature, ‘[+surface, -empty, -movement]’. We also apply the same principle to ‘-eseo(에서)’and establish its semantic feature as ‘[-surface, +empty, +movement]’. (Chonnam National University)


 1. 서론
 2. 선행 연구 고찰
 3. ‘-에’와 ‘-에서’의 기본 의미 파악을 위한 이론적 배경
 4. ‘-에’와 ‘-에서’의 기본 의미
 5. 결론


  • 조재형 Cho, Chae-hyung.. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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