

넙치 (Paralichthys olivaceus) vasa 유전자의 full-length cDNA 분리 및 생식소 특이적 발현


Isolation of Vasa full-length cDNA and Its Gonad-specific Expression from olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus

정형복, 김유철, 김효원, Thanthrige Thiunuwan Priyathilaka, 이성도, Viraj Udayantha Herath Mudiyanselage, 최재영, 황일선, 진창남, 허윤성, 서종표, 임봉수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Until recent, primordial germ cells(PGCs) are recognized only by morphological observation, such as their large size and low nucleocytoplasmic ratio. For the molecular analysis of the reproduction, it is important to identify a specific marker of germ cell development and differentiation. The VASA, which was first identified in Drosophila, is reported as a germ-line cell specific marker gene in animals. Many other researches verified its germ cell specific expression during embryogenesis and gametogenesis. VASA is a member of the DEAD(Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) protein family of ATP-dependent RNA helicase, and plays a critical role in germ-line cell linage. Vasa is expected to be an useful molecular marker for identification of PGCs in reproduction researches of aquaculture species. In this study, we isolated the vasa cDNA, and surveyed its gonad-specific expression in Paralichthys olivaceus. The full-length cDNA of P. olivaceus vasa cDNA was isolated and deduced amino acid sequence was compared to those of the other teleosts. It was 2,461bp long, consisted in 646 amino acids in its ORF region, 175bp of 5’-UTR, and 345bp 3’-UTR. Flounder VASA contained conserved DEAD box, arginine-glycine rich region, and other domains were found. Flounder vasa expressed strongly in the testis and ovary, confirming its property as an gonad-specific marker. These result is expected to be an useful marker for flounder reproduction research and related aquaculture industry.


 재료 및 방법
  1. primers
  2. Total RNA 분리
  3. cDNA 합성
  4. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
  5. 형질전환
  6. Sequencing 및 in-silico analysis
  7. Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE)
 결과 및 고찰
  1. 넙치 vasa full-length cDNA의 분리
  2. 넙치 vasa 유전자의 생식소 특이적 발현


  • 정형복 Hyungbok Jeong. 제주대학교 수산백신연구센터
  • 김유철 Yu-Cheol Kim. 제주대학교 해양의생명과학부
  • 김효원 Hyowon Kim. 제주대학교 해양의생명과학부
  • Thanthrige Thiunuwan Priyathilaka 제주대학교 해양의생명과학부
  • 이성도 Seongdo Lee. 제주대학교 해양의생명과학부
  • Viraj Udayantha Herath Mudiyanselage 제주대학교 해양의생명과학부
  • 최재영 Jae-young Choi. 제주대학교 수산백신연구센터
  • 황일선 Ilson Whang. 제주대학교 수산백신연구센터
  • 진창남 Chang-Nam Jin. 제주대학교 수산백신연구센터
  • 허윤성 Youn-Seong Hur. (주)해연
  • 서종표 Jong-Pyo Seo. (주)해연
  • 임봉수 Bongsoo Lim. 제주대학교 수산백신연구센터


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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