The Fish Fauna of Hyodon-cheon and Soesokkak in Jeju, Korea
The fish fauna of Hyodon-cheon and Soesokkak in Jeju-do, Korea, was investigated for a total of 15 days underwater from 20 Oct. to 5 Nov. 2008. Fish specimens were collected with a small net by SCUBA diving and fish specimens difficult to collect were photographed underwater using a underwater camera and camcorder. The fish specimens collected from the Hyodon-cheon were identified as 6 species, belonging to 3 families and 3 orders. and the fish specimens of Soesokkak were identified as 30 species, belonging to 22 families and 7 orders. The most dominant species were observed 3 species of Gobiidae in Hyodon-cheon and 7 species of Gobiidae in Seosokkak. Further studies are need to consistently monitoring on a varieties of environmental conditions in Hyodon-cheon and Soesokkak area.
1. 서론
2. 재료 및 방법
2-1. 조사일시 및 지점
2-2. 조사방법
3. 결과 및 고찰
3.1. 효돈천 일대 어류상 분포
3.2. 쇠소깍 일대 어류상 분포
4. 참고문헌