

몽골 및 동중앙아시아 논문

关于线上线下融合的电子商务模式的研究 - 19e为中心 -


A Study of the online to offline commerce - Focused on the 19e -

관우선상선하융합적전자상무모식적연구 - 19e위중심 -

Shuo Zhang, Zeng-Jun Sun

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the development of Internet technology, electronic commerce shows the vigorous vitality; along with the popularity of a mobile phone and network operator’s technology, electronic commerce began to develop online mode. According to the "2013 annual Chinese e-commerce market data monitoring report", until the December of 2013, trading in e-commerce market scale is 10.2 trillion yuan, grows 29.9% compared to the same period. The online retail market scale is 18851 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 42.8%. However, this data only accounted for 8.04% of the total retail sales of social consumer goods, while there are 91.96% lines which are waiting for developing. The biggest advantage of the O2O(online to offline) is it can be introduced the consumers to offline trading. The current O2O e-commerce in China is still in the initial stage of development, there are challenges and opportunities .If the network of electronic commerce and the entity shop retailers can seize the opportunity, and be acknowledged of what the consumers want and need, make full use of large data analysis, he will be successful. Firstly, this paper explains the purpose and significance of the topic, underlining the present internet background and the status of e-commerce in the Internet environment, analyzing the current situation O2O faces, besides, we give some analysis of the O2O mode and summarize the advantages of him. Secondly, through the analysis of 19e O2O, we find the problems in the process of its development. Then, through the example of 19e, we find the problem and deficiency in the development of Chinese O2O. Finally, we summarize it and give some expectations of the O2O’s development in the future.


 I. 绪论
 II. 选题背景
 III. 电子商务案例分析
 IV. O2O电子商务发展策略分析
 V. 总结和展望


  • Shuo Zhang Shandong Normal University, professor
  • Zeng-Jun Sun Namseoul University, professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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