

Issues of Evaluating Rating of Banking in Mongolia



Sustainability of bank is a complex concept which includes a wide range of activities such as market share of the sector, structure of management, financial position, development and customer. The study aimed to put a unique rank for commercial banks in the way of analyzing financial and servicing position in Mongolia. The banking operation was evaluated through BFSR models of Moody agency on the data of financial statements of 2005-2013 in 11 commercial banks of Mongolia. The unique rank was set up through unique evaluation. The significance of the study was kept for providing customers with true idea about the banking services, realistic value of customers, consolidating sustainable position, developing strategy, providing data, and improving servicing quality. Evaluating methodology, which increases financial factors for evaluating banking sector in Mongolia, was developed as a result of this research work.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. The Theoretical Basis
 Ⅲ. Banks rating model adjustment
 Ⅳ. Conclusion


  • Siilegmaa Ochirbat Senior lecturer in the department Economics and Business, Mandakh Burtgel Institute, Mongolia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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