

Batch Auditing for Multi-client Dynamic Data in Multi-cloud Storage




Cloud storage introduces many challenges due to the security and integrity threats toward user’s outsourced data. Many auditing protocols have been proposed, but the majority of them could only serve in single cloud environment. This paper proposes an efficient auditing protocol, which supports batch auditing for multiple data files in multi-cloud environment. By utilizing the bilinear map, the proposed protocol achieves full stateless and transparent verification. By constructing a Merkle Hash Tree, the proposed protocol can resist the replace attack and support dynamic operation of data. In addition, our protocol protects the position information of the data blocks by generating fake data blocks to confuse the organizer. The performance analysis demonstrates the efficiency of the protocol.


 1. Introduction
 2. Problem Statement
  2.1 The System Model
  2.2. The Threat Model
  2.3. Design Goals
  2.4 Notations and Preliminaries
 3. The Batch Auditing CPDP Protocol
  3.1. Setup Phase
  3.2. Batch Audit Phase
  3.3. Dynamic Data Operation
 4. Evaluation
  4.1. Security Analysis
  4.2. Performance Analysis
 5. Conclusions


  • Xin Liu College of Architecture and Artistic Design, Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang, 421001, China
  • Yujia Jiang College of Architecture and Artistic Design, Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang, 421001, China


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