

A Study on the Collection Site Profiling and Issue-detection Methodology for Analysis of Customer Feedback on Social Big Data




As competition among the corporations in the service industry is growing fiercer, efficient management of customer feedback is necessary in order to grasp customer needs, which change day by day. Recently the corporations have been trying to obtain customer feedback using Big Data from social media, which contains the diverse voices of the customers. Therefore, the corporations focus their attention on how to analyze and utilize the Big Data, which is a key resource of the mobile smart revolution. Firstly, this paper proposes a profiling method that can effectively analyze company reputation in the service industry. To that purpose, the proposed system extracts and lists a set of specialized target sites for each service. This paper proposes a methodology which detects issues by analyzing diverse data patterns as a method for analyzing the Big Data of social media. The Issue-detected Methodology defines the independent variables as contents and writers which affect the spread of negative public opinions, and the dependent variables as average reaching time and speed of the issues. The influence of the negative public opinions is detected concerning issues based on the numbers of tweets and re-tweets. . The service providing corporations may prepare appropriate measures by the issue detection prior to spread of negative public opinions.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. Evaluation of Service Quality Elements
  2.2. Data Pattern Analysis
 3. Customer Feedback Analysis on Social Big Data
  3.1. Target Collection Site Profiling
  3.2. Issue-detection Methodology
 4. Conclusions


  • Eun-Jee Song Department of Computer Science, Namseoul University, Cheonan 331-707, Korea
  • Min-Shik Kang Department of Industrial Management and Engineering, Namseoul University, Cheonan331-707, Korea


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