

Message Propagation based on Three Types of Density Classification for Smooth and Secure Vehicular Traffic Flow



This paper proposes Message Propagation based on Three types of Density Classification for Smooth and Secure Vehicular Traffic Flow. The Message Propagation based on Three types of Density Classification (MPTDC) measures the density on three types of roads, namely a secluded rural road (0), a highway (1), and a urban intersection (2) and propagates messages to each classified one. When the type of message propagation is 1 and 2, the MPTDC generates a Cluster key by using MAC after grouping vehicles into a Cluster. The Cluster Header aggregates traffic information, and transfers it to a destination after filtering redundant or tampered traffic information. When the type of message propagation is 0, the MPTDC transfers traffic information by using RSU without generating a Cluster. In particular, when the type of message propagation is 2, the MPTDC selects a transmission path according to the density. Hence, this paper not only provides efficient communication but also improves the reliability of messages because it aggregates frequently encountered redundant messages.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1 Vehicular Communication System
  2.2 VANET
 3. MPTDC Design
  3.1 System Overview
  3.2 Cluster Generation
  3.3. Cluster Key Generation
  3.4 Aggregation Procedure based on Signature and Integrity
  3.4 Density Classification
 4. Experimental Results
  4.1 Experiments on Density Classification
  4.2 Security Estimation
 5. Conclusion


  • ByungKwan Lee Dept. of Computer, Catholic Kwandong University
  • EunHee Jeong Dept. of Regional Economics, Kangwon National University
  • YiNa Jeong Dept. of Computer, Catholic Kwandong University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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