

Research of Manufacturing Resource Sharing System Based on P2P



To realize the equal sharing and full use of manufacturing resource, aiming at the convergence characteristics and dynamic changing behaviors of the distributed and stochastic manufacturing resources, according to the thought of peer-to-peer (P2P) and the Chord protocol, a distributed manufacturing resource sharing system model is proposed, making logic sub rings by the type of resources and the logic main rings by the super nodes. The relay of the resource rings and the convergence of different types of resources for application are completed by super nodes. The description template of the manufacturing resources and the Meta data model relating to the search keyword sets from the template are designed. The indexing process of the resources based on Meta data model and the hierarchical trust mechanism of the sharing system are elaborated; finally, an instance of the sharing system prototype is given.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Manufacturing Resources Sharing Model
 3. Two-layer Polycyclic Improvement Structure of Chord
  3.1. The Join of Nodes
  3.2. The Quit and Failure of Nodes
 4. Search based on Metadata
  4.1. Predefined Metadata Model
  4.2. Resources Search of the System
 5. The Network Trust Mechanism
 6. Prototype Instance
 7. Conclusion


  • Yunxia Jiang School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Harbin University Science and Technology, Harbin, China
  • Shuqi Wang School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Harbin University Science and Technology, Harbin, China
  • Minli Zheng School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Harbin University Science and Technology, Harbin, China
  • Dongnan Sun School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Harbin University Science and Technology, Harbin, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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