Data mining is an important tool in meteorological problems solved. Cluster analysis techniques in data mining play an important role in the study of meteorological applications. The research progress of the clustering algorithms in meteorology in recent years is summarized in this paper. First, we give a brief introduction of the principles and characteristics of the clustering algorithms that are commonly used in meteorology. On the other hand, the applications of clustering algorithms in meteorology are analyzed, and the relationship between the various clustering algorithms and meteorological applications are summarized. Then we interpret the relationship from the perspectives of algorithms’ characteristics and practical applications. Finally, some main research issues and directions of the clustering algorithms in meteorological applications are pointed out.
1. Introduction
2. Problem Definition
3. The Commonly used Clustering Algorithms in Meteorology
3.1 Partitioning clustering
3.2 Hierarchical clustering
3.3 Model-based clustering
3.4 Fuzzy clustering
3.5 Combinatorial search techniques-based clustering
4. The Applications of Clustering Algorithms in Meteorology
4.1 Climate change
4.2. Urban meteorology
4.3 Hydrometeorology
4.4 Energy meteorology
5. Discussion