In the past, rural village projects such as jeonone-maul project have been developed by various methods as the change of rural society and rural settlement policy of government. But the Rural-Fishing New Town project(RFNTP) was implemented to build large scale village as a method of new village development. Specially RFNTP applied to the 30-40 year’s urban people in 2009 is one of the government policies, being attempted to solve the various problems due to population declining and aging in rural area. The purpose of this paper is to grasp the success possibility of RFNTP on the basis of analysis on the five’s demonstration district such as Yupeuong, Jamjeong, Ueolgok, Songhakgol, Olddanyang and so on. According to analysis, the following results can be obtained. Firstly, in the human resources aspect, different people moved into New-Town house possess varying levels of human capital determined by their knowledge and experience. This is because not only young adults in their 30s and 40s by age but also higher education. Secondly, in the economic aspect, RFNTPs’ consumption was higher than city's it when comparing average to consumption per capita. Thirdly, the number of RFNTP’s residents is accounting for over 20 percent of the villiage’s entire population in some districts. This figure shows that they are no longer strangers. They are increasingly becoming our neighbors. Therefore, RFNTP is expected to reignite “stagnant rural society” as a result of 30-40s’ migration to rural areas from cities. Based on the above results, the following can be suggested. It is necessary to establish effective policies to improve income increase and living environment due to population and problems related to quality of life, one of the important rural problems in Korea.
1. 서론
2. 농어촌정주관련정책의 변천과 선행연구의 검토
2.1. 농어촌정주관련정책의 변천과 귀농 실태
2.2. 선행연구의 검토
3. 농어촌뉴타운 시범지구 추진현황과 문제점
3.1. 시범사업지구의 입지여건
3.2. 시범사업지구의 주택공급 유형
3.3. 시범사업지구의 투자비 규모
3.4. 시범사업지구의 추진방식
3.5. 시범사업지구의 농지 확보
4. 귀농정책으로서 농어촌뉴타운사업의 성공요인과 가능성 : 실증분석
4.1. 분석대상과 도구
4.2. 자료 수집 및 분석
4.3. 분석결과
4.4. 사회경제적 측면의 성공가능성 분석
4.5. 농어촌뉴타운사업 성공을 위한 개선방안
5. 결론