

Incorporating Energy-Aware Mechanism into Workflow Scheduling Policy in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems



In the past decades, plenty scheduling policies have been proposed for improving the execution performance of workflow applications. However, few of them have addressed the issue of energy conservation. In this paper, a novel scheduling metric, namely Minimal Energy Consumption Path, is introduced to reducing the energy consumption when scheduling large-scale workflows. The proposed scheduling metric can be incorporated into current schedulers so as to enhance their capability of energy conservation as well as maintain their scheduling performance. A lot of experiments are performed by using different scheduler and experimental settings to evaluate the proposed scheduling metric and the results indicate it is effective for reducing the storage-related energy consumption, especially when the target workflows are data-intensive.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Problem Formulation
 4. Energy-aware Heuristic Metric
  4.1. Energy Consumption Model of Task Execution
  4.2. Energy-aware Scheduling Policy
 5. Experiments and Performance Comparison
  5.1. Experimental Settings
  5.2. Comparison of Performance and Analysis
 6. Conclusion


  • Hong He Department of Computer and Communication, Hunan Institute of Engineering
  • Peng Xiao Department of Computer and Communication, Hunan Institute of Engineering


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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