

WSNs Performance Evaluation Using Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics Method



In recent years, with the further development and more applications emerging, WSNs is no longer confined to the traditional area. Because WSNs is dynamic, distribution, resource constrained, uncertainty, complexity and heterogeneity, meanwhile distinct WSNs applications have distinct characteristics and requirements in the respective field, which both urge us to further research, especially performance evaluation of WSNs. In this paper, we expand the range of performance index which exceeds time delay, packet loss rate, and throughput. Meanwhile, put forward a non-equilibrium statistical mechanics model for integrated WSNs performance evaluation from an evolutionary perspective. A non-linear information dynamics mode is introduced based on the maximum flux principle during the modeling process. The integrated performance evaluation of WSNs can be done by giving reasonable weights of each evaluation index to stabilize the system. The new model reveals the formation pattern and the dynamics law of evolution. The proposed method has been serviced in complex simulation, and the results have indicated that the model is objective and effective.


 1. Introduction
 2. Evaluation Model based on Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
 3. The Self-organizing Feature Mapping and Simulation for the New Evaluation Model
 4. A Numerical Example
  4.1. WSN Simulation
  4.2. WSNs Performance Evaluation Process
  4.3. Analysis of the Results
 5. Conclusion


  • Chen Ye College of Science & Technology, Ningbo University, Ninigbo, Zhejiang, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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