

Community Life Sport Evaluation Based on C4.5and Improved DRNN



With the development of our national sport consciousness, sports are a more and more important role in people's daily life. Community sports have been adopted by more and more people. But due to historical and economic reasons, community sport level in China is quite low. How to conduct an evaluation of the community life sport, not only is the community residents request, but also an important means to make corresponding improvement for a city builder. However, due to the mathematical algorithm has high complexity for the general case, applicants to environmental assessment is difficult, In this paper, introduce the C4.5 and improved DRNN as machine learning methods, and data mining the existing community life sport, to construct the evaluate model of community life sport , Not only can make up for the algorithm less shortcoming of current community sport research, but also can get the objective conclusion, to evaluate the mechanism of factors, and to give counsel for the development of community sport.


 1. Introduction
 2.C4.5 Algorithm
 3. The Amproved DRNN Algorithm
  3.1 Diagonal Recurrent Neural Networks
  3.2 Use Genetic Algorithm to Optimizing the Weights of DRNN Neural Network
 4. Community Life Sport Evaluation is Based on C4.5and Improved DRNN
  4.1. The Selection of Evaluation Index
  4.2 The Experimental Design
 7. Conclusion


  • Fei Gao Department of Physical Education, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei, China
  • RanLi School of Management, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei China


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