There are rich data resources in materials science, but these data resources are heterogeneous in level of system, structure, syntax, and semantics. Therefore, a domain ontology is necessary and helpful for the integration of these heterogeneous data resources, and it is also one of the main tasks of materials informatics. In this paper, we propose a steel semantic model (named STSM) based on ontology and logic rules for the representation of the steel knowledge. STSM is developed with the consideration of the features of materials data and the developed process is presented. Then, we describe the content and organization of STSM which covers the basic knowledge in steel domain. Further, domain axioms and logic rules are designed to enhance the reasoning ability of STSM. STSM is built and tested in protégé, and an experimental prototype based on Jena is also developed to demonstrate the effectiveness of STSM.
1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Problem Description and Concept Definition
3.1. Problem Description
3.2. Conception Definition
4. Design of STSM
4.1. The Development Process of STSM
4.2. Content and organization of STSM
5. Design of Axioms and Rules in STSM
5.1. Design of Axioms
5.2. Design of Rules
6. Conclusion and Future Work