

A New Method of Point-Clouds Accurate Measurement and Reconstruction



With the reverse engineering development, the accuracy of system is more important in reconstruction, especially in non-contacting measurement. This paper provides a new method measuring the accuracy the point clouds, define a image probability and the point probability according to uncertainty data. The quantity of the uncertain point data is important to measuring the result of reconstruction. The prior data can be catch from the last measurement process, especially the edge data or characteristic points. Referring to prior data, basing on the Bayesian theory the more accuracy posterior data can be computed in this paper. We divided the point cloud into different areas, and organized the data with hierarchical tree-structure. According to the probability of one tree node, we adjust the area corresponding to the node. At last, by using the existing experimental equipment, we verify the measurement of point cloud accuracy algorithm. The depth data was obtained by a laser scanner---SICK LMS100. The depth data can be computed as point data with uncertainty. The result of the reconstruction deeply relies on the quality of prior data.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Basic Principle of Uncertain Point Measurement
 3. The Basic Principle of Reconstruction Algorithm
  3.1 Partition Algorithm ——KD-tree-alike
  3.2 The Edge-point Accurate Computing Algorithm
 4. Experiment and Analysis
  4.1 The Result of Experiment
  4.2 The Analysis of the Experiment
 5. Conclusion


  • Kun Zhang Yanshan University, Hebei University of Science & Technology
  • Weihong Bi College of Information Science & Engineering, Yanshan University
  • Xinghu Fu College of Information Science & Engineering, Yanshan University


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