

A Vehicle Monitoring System Based on STeCEQL



The vehicle monitoring system is a very important class of information systems. However, the existing monitoring systems generally require the support of the large database systems and the monitoring event could not be processed in real time. The research of internet of vehicles has proposed the novel ideas and methods to build the monitoring system. In this paper, we construct a vehicle monitoring system based on a complex event query language: STeCEQL. Firstly, we give the approach of verifying the reasonableness of the monitoring events through building the model of the vehicles. Then we propose the method of describe the vehicle monitoring events by STeCEQL. Meanwhile, we give the complex event detection algorithms based on the event tree. Finally, the simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the vehicle monitoring approach of internet of vehicles.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Method of Verifying the Vehicle Monitoring Events
  2.1. The Formal Models of the Vehicles’ Behavior
  2.2. The Method of Verifying the Reasonableness of the Vehicle Monitoring Events
 3. The Method of Expressing and Processing the Monitoring Event
  3.1. The Method of Expressing the Monitoring Event
  3.2. The Processing Algorithm of Monitoring Event
 4. The Vehicle Monitoring System
  4.1. The Architecture of the Vehicle Monitoring System
  4.2. The Monitoring Strategy of the Vehicle Monitoring System
 5. The Simulation and Analysis of the Results
 6. Conclusions


  • Huiyong Li Software Engineering Institute, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
  • Yixiang Chen Software Engineering Institute, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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