

Comparingthe Kinetics of Movement while Expressing Different Emotions during the Korean Traditional Dance Movement Gam-ki


 1. Introduction
 2. Study Methods
  2.1 Study Subjects
  2.2 Experimental Tools and Procedure
  2.3 Analysis Methods and Data Processing
 3. Analysis Variables
  3.1 Time Elapsed in Each Phase
  3.2 Time Points for the Maximal and Minimal Joint Angle
  3.3 Range of Motion(ROM)
  3.4 Ground Reaction Force and Ground Impulse
  3.5 Asymmetric Index (ASI) of the Weight-acceptance and Propulsion Phases
 4. Results
  4.1 Elapsed Time for Each Phase
  4.2 Relative Time Point when Joint Flexion/Extension was Complete
  4.3 Rom of the Joints
  4.4 Ground Reaction Force and Ground Impulse
 5. Discussion
 6. Conclusion


  • Cho, Nam-Gyu Performing Arts Management, Graduate School of Culture & Technology, Sangmyung Univ., Seoul Korea
  • Oh, Seong-Geun The Arts Management Institute, Sangmyung Univ., Seoul Korea
  • Shin, Hwa-Kyoung Consumer & Housing Studies, College of Natural Science, Sangmyung Univ. Seoul, Koera
  • Park, Jae-Keun Dance Dept., College of Art and Culture, Sangmyung Univ. Seoul Korea
  • Lee, Seungyon-seny Music Technology, Graduate School of Culture & Technology, Sangmyung Univ., Seoul, Korea
  • Ki, Jae-Sug Dept. of Electrical, Electronics and Control Engineering, Sangmyung Univ., Seoul Korea
  • Hah, Chong-Ku Korea Institute of Sports Clinic & Engineering, GyeongGido, Korea


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