

Prefabricated Technology in a Modular House



In view of the issue related to the demand of housing, the Philippine Government must find some alternative ways to lessen the expenses without altering the quality of the housing projects, the study paved the way to evaluate a comparison between the prefabricated housing components in modular house and the traditionally made housing components (CHB) in terms of cost, efficiency, effectiveness, and the time to spend during construction. It also attempts to search for the development and production of low cost housing, the end-users feedback and other institutions that used these materials and its impact to the market. One of the interesting insights in the study is that prefabricated components has a significance difference in terms of construction cost as compare to the traditional methods due to the materials, and fast and short time duration of construction.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. History of Modular House
  2.2. Module House Classification
 3. Modular Manufacturing Process
 4. Interview
  4.1. Methods
  4.2. Paraphrased Interview
 5. Structural Properties of Prefabricated Components
  5.1. Cheecolite Prefabricated Technology
 6. Other Properties of Prefabricated Components
  6.1. Sound Insulation
  6.2. Durability
  6.3. Finishes
 7. Advantages
  7.1. Design
  7.2. Construction
  7.3. Economic
 8. Cost Analysis
 9. Conclusion


  • Tomas U. Ganiron Jr College of Architecture and Design, Qassim University, KSA
  • Mohammed Almarwae College of Architecture and Design, Qassim University, KSA


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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