

3D Visual Servo Fuzzy Controller Robust to Displacements of Cameras



This paper presents a 3D visual servo system using fuzzy controller for the command of a manipulator arm. The vision system is composed of two cameras; the first is installed above the robot, while the second is located on the lateral side of this one. These two cameras need no calibration, thus we can install them in any position and orientation with just the condition that the joints and the effector of the robot must remain always visible. Servoing is realized without any prior knowledge of the dynamic and geometric models of the robot. Only the positions, in pixels, of the effector and of the different joints, in the two images acquired by the two cameras, are used to realize this servoing. Colors have thus been assigned to the joints and to the effector to determine their positions.


 1. Introduction
 2. Visual Servo System
  2.1. Images Acquisition
  2.2. Images Preprocessing
  2.3. Conversion of Images in the YCbCr Space
  2.4. Thresholding and Filtering
 3. Geometric Transfer
  3.1. Plane of Image of the Camera 1
  3.2 Plane of image of the camera 2
 4. Fuzzy Controllers
  4.1. Fuzzy Controller for the joint 1
  4.2. Fuzzy Controller for the joint 2
  4.3. Fuzzy Controller for the joint 3
 5. Robot control
 6. Simulation Results
 7. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Redha Fourar Department of Electrical Engineering, Batna University, Algeria
  • Djamel Melaab Department of Electrical Engineering, Batna University, Algeria


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