This paper explores alternative pedagogical approaches for undergraduateconsecutive interpreting courses. A number of approaches are discussed,including traditional learning, individualistic learning and cooperative learning. The pros and cons of the three approaches are discussed and are adapted tothe context of interpreting classes. Different combinations of the threeapproaches are applied to two different consecutive interpreting courses basedon needs analysis and course characteristics including directionality. For theBA consecutive interpreting course, traditional learning, individualisticlearning, and cooperative learning are applied. For the AB consecutiveinterpreting course, traditional learning and cooperative learning are applied. At the end of the course, a survey was conducted to understand students’perceptions on the alternative approaches. Overall, students were satisfiedwith the three approaches. The disadvantages of individual approaches couldbe complemented by combining different approaches together. Based on thefindings of the survey and class observations, this paper proposes alternativepedagogies of consecutive interpreting that facilitate motivation,interdependence, individual responsibility, and cooperation.
I. 들어가는 말
II. 선행 연구
1. 전통적 학습
2. 개별학습
3. 협동학습
III. 적용 사례
1. 수요 조사
2. 수업 설계
3. 학습자 인식
VIII. 나가는 말