

Understanding Interpretation Students : Their motivations and expectations


통번역대학원 학생들의 동기와 기대

Juyeon Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To improve educational curricula and enhance effectiveness of pedagogicalactivities, educators need to make efforts to understand their learners. Inthis context, the purpose of this paper is to investigate and documentmotivations and expectations of students in an interpretation andtranslation program. In the study, 23 first-year students in a graduateprogram of interpretation and translation produced written essays on theirmotivations, which were qualitatively analyzed in terms of variousmotivational types in order to explore what motivated them to pursue thiscareer path. The preliminary findings suggest that their motivations werenot only intrinsic but also extrinsic in the sense that they expect variousinstrumental benefits associated with the program. Also, their successfulEnglish language learning experiences and positive images of interpreterswere identified as key motivating factors for the learners. The paperdiscusses major findings and their pedagogical implications.


 I. Introduction
 II. Review of the Literature
 III. Research Design
 IV. Results
  1. Extrinsic motivation
  2. Intrinsic motivation
  3. English language learning
  4. Imagined communities
 V. Conclusion


  • Juyeon Lee 이주연. Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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