News translation has been generally regarded as a typical form ofinstitutional translation, but little attention has been paid to whatexactly the ‘institution’ means and how the emerging form of newstranslation with both institutional and non-institutional features can beexplained within the framework of institutional translation. This papersets out to explore the definitions of institution and the boundaries ofthe concept of institutional translation with particular reference toNewspro, an Internet-based, non-profit alternative media outlet devotedto translating foreign news on political and social issues in Korea. Bycomparing Newspro’s translation with fan subtitling, as well as withtranslation by Yonhap News Agency where the most typical form ofinstitutional translation takes place, the paper examines the similaritiesand differences between institutional, non-institutional, and mixed-typetranslation and discusses the social implications of the findings. Itconcludes by highlighting the need to study the emergence of newforms of translation as a social phenomenon.
I. 들어가는 말
II. 제도 번역과 비제도 번역
1. 제도의 정의와 개념
2. 제도 번역의 개념
3. 제도와 비제도 간 경계: <뉴스프로>와 팬자막 비교
III. 제도권 번역과 비제도권 번역
1. 제도권의 정의와 개념
2. 사회현상으로서의 비제도권 번역
3. 제도권과 비제도권 번역: 연합뉴스 vs <뉴스프로>
VI. 나가는 말