Mr. Isang Hong was a high scholar official who served his careers during the reigns from King Sun-jo to Kwang-hae-gun. His clan was from Pung-san Hong family. When he was young he was called In-sang Hong. He passed the first stage examination of Saeng-won in A. D. 1573(the 3rd year of the Sun-jo reign), won the first place of the list in the final official examination of Moon-kwa. He was finally in honour to be appointed at the topmost position, Tae-sa-heon, of Office of the Inspector-General. He began to learn, at the age of 20, Mind and Law under the supervision of Min-soon who was a disciple of the famous scholar, Kyong-duck Seo(The school of Hwadam). Becoming a student of National Confucian School, Sungkyun-kwan, he was eager to master typical books of Neo-confucianism with his friends such as ‘Comprehensive Compilations of Mind and Law’ and ‘Scriptures on Mind’. He was renowned for his understanding on Confucian Classics. He was given, with honour, a Leave for Reading, a year after the final official examination, Moon-kwa, and was also listed in the Roster of Hong-moon-rock. King Sun-jo acknowledged that he was the best scholar around the time as he attended the seats regularly for teaching the King(Gyeongyeon-gwan). His ancestors were outstanding in the initial period of Chosun dynasty and then gradually faded out as much as other families. He was evaluated as a person who set up to reconstruct his family again in late Chosun dynasty. He came over to Seoul to study at the age of twelve. After he passed the Seung-po examination, he became a student of Seong-kyun-kwan. He was not satisfied with the routine course work at that time to be an official. He began to look for a new teacher to pursue some fundamental Neoconfucian ideas. He met a master, Soon Min, when he was twenty years old. He was not usual to aim at passing official examinations, but rather inclined to learn about the Essences of Conduct of the Neo-confucian Ideology. He also initiated a reform in Student Order of Seong-kyoon-kwan. He served so many low official positions as in six Ministries, Hong-moon-kwan, Sa-heon-pu, Seong-kyoon-kwan, Ui-jeong-pu, Sa-kan-won, Sa-pok-si, Sa-jaekam, and others, after he passed Moon-Kwa. It took twelve years that he was promoted to a High Official Rank, Tang-sang-kwan, after Moon-kwa. His advancement was relatively not to be late, when compared with good background persons at the time. Twenty three years witnessed his moto, ‘Fairness’ and ‘Sincerity’, as Tangsang- kwan careers. He did hardly pay attentions to belong to any party member nor a school lineage at all. He took his duty as a critic to dispute the matters with Fairness, when there happened historical disastrous events : when it was reported the rebellion trial by Yo-rip Chung, when they quarrelled over who was responsible to ask the King to flee to China around the Japanese invasion in 1592, and when they debated about the punishment of Mr. Hon Sung who instigated the treason in 1589 in which over a thousand of persons got harmed. He was not a practical bureaucrat if the positions which he seated were considered, but he was also assigned to a position outside the central administration body. Although it was common, among literati in 16th century, to join in gatherings in a private mode to support each other, he was unusual in setting up a few private bonding with others. To count, he joined in such a group as the official examination passers and the filial meeting supporting old mothers faithfully. He seemed occasionally to take part in a private gathering of Sinkyo villagers in which he lived in. His strict life style as a Confucian scholar was a model for his siblings and offsprings so that his younger brothers became officials after passing the national examinations and his four sons out of six passed the final stage examinations of Moon-kwa. The succeeding appointments of his family members to an official position elevated his family renowned again in late Chosun dynasty.
洪履祥은 선조․광해군대 활동한 문관 관료이다. 그의 본관은 풍산이며, 초명 은 洪麟祥이다. 1573년(선조 3) 생원시에 합격하고, 1579년(선조 12) 문과 장 원으로 관직에 진출하여 대사헌까지 지냈다. 그는 서경덕의 제자인 민순의 문하에 서 공부하면서 의리를 깊이 연구하였고, 성균생원이 되어서는 교우들과 함께 성 리대전․심경과 같은 성리서를 강독하는 등 학문에 열의를 쏟았다. 經學으로 이름이 난 홍이상은 문과에 급제한지 1년 만에 사가독서를 받고, 홍문록에 올랐 다. 그는 특히 참상 청요직과 당상관을 거치는 동안 경연관으로서 활약이 컸다. 선조는 그를 최고의 講官이라고 인정했을 정도이다. 또한 홍이상은 조선 건국 후 에 門地가 약해져 가는 풍산홍씨 가문 출신으로 조선 후기 풍산홍씨 가문이 관료 가문으로 성장할 수 있는 기반을 마련한 입지전적 인물이다. 본고에서는 홍이상이 관직에 나가기 전의 학업과 관직 생활를 통해서 그의 어떠 한 면들이 가문을 일으킬 수 있는 동력이 되었는지 살펴보았다. 홍이상은 12세 때 서울로 유학을 와서 승보시를 통해 성균관에 기재되었다. 그는 학교 교육이나 科 業에만 힘쓰는 유생은 아니었다. 20세 때에 민순을 찾아가 성리학을 깊이 연구하 였다. 배운 바의 실천을 중히 여긴 유생 홍이상은 성균관의 잘못된 관습인 성균관 유생 좌차 문제를 개혁하는 데에 앞장섰다. 그는 문과 급제 후 육조․홍문관․사헌부․성균관․의정부․사간원․사복시․ 사재감 등을 두루 거쳐서 12년 만에 당상관으로 승진하였다. 그의 승진은 당시 능 력 있고, 門地가 높은 관원의 승진과 비교할 때 결코 늦지 않았다. 당상관에 진출해 서 약 23년간 재직하였다. 홍이상이 관직 생활을 하는 동안 지켰던 소신은 ‘公明’과 ‘誠’이었다. 그가 ‘공명’을 추구했기에 학연이나 당파에 관심을 두지 않았다. 그는 사간으로 서 정여립의 난 당시의 처신, 당상관이 된 이후 임진왜란 발발 후 파천의 책임론 공방 그리고 기축옥사에 대한 성혼의 처벌론 등이 거론될 때 正道에 근거한 公明 만을 염두에 두고 간쟁하였다. 그가 역임한 관직을 볼 때, 실무형 관료는 아니지만 외관직에 나가서도 성실하게 직임에 임하였다. 그의 소신은 사적인 생활에서도 드러난다. 출사 이후 그는 사사로운 교유관계가 많지 않았다. 16세기에는 서울에 지식인들의 모임이 많았고, 관원의 계회도 성행 했다. 그럼에도 그가 주도한 계회는 과거 시험을 매개하거나, 노모를 위한 계회 정도였다. 그가 참석했던 모임 중 사사로운 성격을 띤 것은 新橋 모임이다. 그가 신교에 살았기에 이웃과 함께 하는 신교 모임에는 가끔 참석하였던 것으로 보인 다. 사적인 생활에서도 修身에 힘쓰는 성실한 삶의 태도는 형제들과 자손들에게 모범이 되었다. 그의 동생들도 생원진사시와 문과로 관직에 진출하였고, 그의 아 들 여섯 명 중 네 명이 문과에 급제하였다. 그가 닦은 기반 위에 후손들의 지속적 인 관직 진출로 가문의 門地가 높아져서 조선 후기 명문 관료 가문으로 성장할 수 있었다.
1. 머리말
2. 홍이상의 학업
3. 홍이상 관력의 특징
4. 홍이상의 관직생활
5. 맺음말