

교실 외 활동을 활용한 대학 교양영어 회화프로그램의 학습자 만족도 연구


A study of students' satisfaction for a university English conversation program utilizing outside classroom activities


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a university English conversation program which had employed on-line homework and outside-class interviews with native English instructors. After over 1,200 sophomores took the conversation course for a semester, questionnaires were administered to measure the students' satisfaction for the program and their perceived usefulness and effectiveness of the in- and outside-class activities. The results showed: first, students perceived the in-class lessons and outside-class
interviews with the native English instructors as useful, but not the on-line conversation practice; secondly, the students' perceived usefulness, affective effects, and content evaluation of each activity were shown to have significant effects on their perceived effectiveness of the outside-class activities. Lastly, significant differences were not found by the different groups of proficiency level in their perceptions of the usefulness, affective effects, and content evaluation of the outside-class activities. However, different proficient groups showed different amount of study efforts and preference for activities.


  • 송희심 Song Heshim. 서경대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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