

韓國人日本語學習者における言いさし表現の発話末形式の習得過程 - 中國語母語話者ㆍ英語母語話者との比較を通して


The Process of Korean who Learn Japanese to Acquire the Ellipsis at the End of the Sentences: Through the Contrast of Chinese and English Native Speakers


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the acquisition process of the ellipsis at the end of sentences for Koreans who learn Japanese through the contrast of Chinese and English native speakers. The sample of analysis comes from OPI data. The two results below are described in detail: First, Koreans who learn Japanese use more frequently the ellipsis at the end of sentences under the “Existing-Verb-Clauses” than Chinese and English native speakers. However, the acquisition level goes up, the frequency of usage is getting higher to the point where the acquisition process is inclined to be equal at both side (Koreans who learn Japanese vs Chinese and English native speaker). Second, the formality varies more than Chinese and English native speakers, as well as it appears at the beginning level. The formality includes “「けど」,「から」,「て」,「ので」”.The formality of Chinese and English native speakers is similar to Koreans who learn Japanese at the end of the learning stage.


Ⅰ. はじめに
Ⅱ. 先行硏究及び本稿の位置付け
Ⅲ. 硏究方法
Ⅳ. 結果及び考察
Ⅴ. まとめ
參考 文獻


  • 曺英南 조영남. 全南大學校


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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