An Exploratory Case Study of Netizen Translations : Their Collective Intelligence Types and Role Segregations
Web 2.0, which refers to an internet environment characterized by openness, participation, and sharing, is now changing who translates (in that it is not just professional translators, but the general public that translates), how (in that collective intelligence is used) and what translations look like (in that there are various degrees of freedom in selection of font sizes, styles and colors and contents fortranslation). Translation in cyberspace is carried out in varying degrees of collaboration. Sometimes, they build Youtube-type translation archives where individuals contribute their own translations to be viewed, enjoyed, and given feedback on by other users. And sometimes, they translate in collaboration from the beginning. The TED Open Translation Project is a good example of the latter. This paper intends to answer the following research question: What types of collective intelligence do netizens engage in to translate on Web 2.0, and how do the types of collective intelligence affect the translation outcomes?In order to answer the question, five well-known websites for translation using collective intelligence were identified and classified based on the degree of collaboration and translator/commissioner roles played by netizens and studied to see if there are differences in the translation outputs. It turned out that the stronger and more active the collaboration is among netizens, the lesser degree of freedom in the choice of font sizes, styles, and colors netizens have when translating. In websites where the same netizens play both commissioner and translator roles, the greater degree of freedom they have in choosing, changing, and editing the contents for translation, for example, selective translations where netizens translate only those parts of a certain text they want to, do gist translations, or add their own ideas to their translations.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 네티즌 번역의 정의
2.2. 집합지성 방식
2.3. 참여자 역할 분담
2.4. 네티즌 번역물의 특징
3. 분석
3.1. 분석대상
3.2. 분류틀
3.3. 분석 결과
4. 결론
4.1. 결과 요약
4.2. 의의와 한계