

A Study on Auto-Processing Flexible Production Line for Mass Customized BPO Data Based on Multi-Agents



Traditional Data Business Process Outsourcing (Data-BPO) centers are facing the challenge of a static workflow based on manual operation. They cannot adapt to fast-changing demands from customers, which is proving to be a bottleneck in the Data-BPO service. This problem can be resolved through a Data-BPO automated production line, based on the usage of multi-agent (MA) and ontology. Through the cooperation of MA and categorization of ontology, the flexible production line can meet various requirementsofmass-customized data orders from different industries, professions, transactions and classes with instantaneous response. A Data-BPO flexible workflow will beimplemented dynamically, securely, quickly and smoothly. Therefore, developing an auto-processing flexible production line can greatly promote the efficiency and competitiveness of BPO enterprises currently based mostly on manual data-processing stations or manual-input equipment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Problems in Current Data-BPO Production
 3. Literature Review
 4. The Two Key Technologies in the Solution
  4.1. Multi-Agent
  4.2. Flexibility
 5. Model of Production Line
 6. Conclusions and Future Work


  • Huapeng Chen School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, Peoples Republic of China, School of Information, Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics, Hangzhou Zhejiang, 310018 China
  • JieLin School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, Peoples Republic of China.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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