

Join and Caching Scheme in Mobile P2P-based Streaming Service



The P2P multicast that has been recently presented as an alternative to the client-server architectures has been getting much persuasion by the system resource and the network bandwidth and the advancement of the network cost. Also, studies on P2P networks for the effective services of VOD streams in the mobile environment have been actively carried out. They however, have failed to consider fully characteristics proper to mobile nodes, such as the constraints of available resources and the variability of service time and location, since their concepts have merely expanded the characteristics of the existing P2P wired networks to mobile nodes. We suggested a scheme for the effective VOD streaming service on the mobile node oriented P2P network. Specifically, our scheme prevents the overconsumption of resources for a parent node when it uploads streams for other node, and enables a child node to keep downloading streams effectively even after its parent node exits the network. Our simulation showed the favorable performance of our system compared to the existing systems, in terms of resource utilization for nodes joining the P2P service and the utilization of shared cache.


 1. Introduction
 2. Concept of Mobile P2P Service
 3. Mobile P2P Service Model
  3.1. Relay Join Strategy
  3.2. Precaching Strategy
 4. Performance Evaluation
 5. Conclusion


  • Chang-Hee Kim Shinhan Univ., Korea
  • Sung-Uk Choi Incheon National Univ., Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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