

Dynamic Test System for Generating Questions to Match Multiple Meanings in Random Order against Multiple Terminologies



In distance education, many different questions are required to evaluate the applicant's abilities or to assist effective study to learner anytime and anywhere. To satisfy requirement, we proposed the system that make question to match multiple meanings against multiple terminologies in different form whenever applicants try to take tests. For making many different questions, process in server loads terminologies and their meaning from database, and then relocates the meanings randomly using random number before making question tests with pairs of a meaning and a terminology. The system can offer many different question tests whenever applicants try to take tests or learners study. Thus the system has the advantage to fairly evaluate applicants’ abilities or not to bore learners.


 1. Introduction
 2. A System to Make Question Tests
 3. Algorithm for Questions to Match Using Relocation
 4. Implementations and Discussions
 5. Conclusions


  • Jae-Young Lee Department of Computer Engineering, Hallym University, Gangwon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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