

Augmented Reality for Blended Language Learning



Although a lot of research is being conducted to apply augmented reality (AR) to education, there is little adequate research on how to design AR-based learning systems so that they foster deep understanding in learners. In this article, we present and exemplify a learner-centered instructional model that incorporates AR contents as a form of blended learning strategy. To this end, we divide the instructional model into lecture-type formal learning and purely self-directed form of informal learning, and go on to explain the methodology and process of designing instructional model according to each type. Through this approach, we show that the benefits of using AR extend into the realm of education, and verify that AR-based learning systems offer a potentially effective method for foreign language instruction.


 1. Introduction
 2. Mobile AR-Based Learning System
  2.1. Designing an Operational Model for AR-Based Learning Using Vision-Based Method
  2.2. Designing an Operational Model for Intelligent Customized Learning Using Geolocation-Based Method
 3. Conclusion


  • Sora Lim Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
  • Boeun Jung Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


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