

Role of Housing System in MMORPG (Multi Massive Online Role Playing Game)



Housing in MMORPG (Multi Massive Online Role Playing Game) expresses players’ personality and confer joy of having players’ own place. Housing system is not just a place to rest but also to customize the character and personality of a player. Even if the player has logged off, his housing remains in game world and keep exposed to other players. But more importantly, it is related to significance and connection between players and game. Eternity, customizing, limitation of space, additional use and map changes are some of the characteristics of housing system. Some suggestions are made to improve game environment; significance, space, personalization, hubs, access and introducing urban planning. Housing system is continuously evolving and can offer everlasting joy to players with its indigenous characteristics.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Research
  2.1. Multi Massive Online Role Playing Games
  2.2. Zoning
 3. Characteristics of Housing System
  3.1. Eternity
  3.2. Customizing
  3.3. Limitation of Space
  3.4. Additional Use
  3.5. Map Change
 4. Suggestion for Housing System
  4.1. Significance
  4.2. Space
  4.3. Personalization
  4.4. Hubs
  4.5. Access
  4.6. Introducing Urban Planning
 5. Conclusion and Implication


  • Sun Gwan Hong Dept. of Real Estate, Seoul Cyber University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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