Query suggestion attracts great concern recently. It is crucial for capturing frequently asked questions in question-answering system and most popular topics in search engine. Besides these, is also used in advertising retrieval systems, e-commerce system for advertising push to get more profits. The paper gives a general review of query suggestion methods. On the whole, all the methods can be grouped into two categories: session based methods and click-through based methods. Adjacency based query suggestion, co-occurrence based query suggestion, query-flow graph based query suggestion, clustering based query suggestion, and bipartite graph based query suggestion are presented respectively in detail. Furthermore, how to evaluate the performance of query suggestion is denoted. Finally the important related issues of the area in further research are discussed.
1. Introduction
2. Session Based Query Suggestion
2.1. Adjacency based or Query Co-occurrence based Query Suggestion
2.2. Query Flow Graph based Query Suggestion
2.3. Other Methods based on Sessions for Query Suggestion
3. Click-through Based on Query Suggestions
3.1. Clustering based Query Suggestion
3.2. Bipartite Graph based Query Suggestion
4. Evaluation
5. Discussion and Future Research
6. Summary