

Design Developing an Early Model of Cat Robot for the Use of Early Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)



The purpose of this research is to design develop an early model for the use of early treatment that will improve the social interactions of children with ASD. Researchers from the department of social welfare, electrical engineering, industrial design, and fashion design carried out a fusion research for this purpose. The department of social welfare conducted a survey with professional therapists in order to first find out the necessary treatment components of the cat robot. The department of electrical engineering gave technical suggestions on the practical functions of the robot such as movements and emotional exchanges with humans. In addition, the department of industrial design proposed the robot’s exterior, movement, and character designs. Considering that the robot will be used as a therapeutic medium for children, they also developed an eco-friendly material in order to prevent infection and other hygienic problems and also improve the therapeutic effects of the robot. According to the result of FGI’s analysis, elements of function and motion have to be prepared for a cat robot was grasped. In consideration of these elements, guidelines to the construction of shape and motions for the design of the cat robot were established. By applying these guidelines, the design of outer shape of the cat robot was developed. And a cat robot’s structures, electrical circuits, and driving program for the treatment of children with ASD were suggested. Design of the cat robot’s Outer shape has to be developed to match inside structure of the cat robot, and the early model of the cat robot has to be completed to match these criteria.


 1. Introduction
 2. Need Assessment of Therapists and Parents for Early Cat Robot
  2.1. Expression of Emotion
  2.2. Stimulating the Senses
  2.3. Motion Ability
  2.4. Managing the Robot
  2.5. Material Component
 3. Design Development for Early Model of Cat Robot
  3.1. Guidelines for Design of Cat Robot’s External Features
  3.2. Behavior Design of a Cat Robot
  3.3. Character Design of a Cat Robot
  3.4. Process of Design Development of a Cat Robot
 4. Electrical System Design
  4.1. Joint system Design
  4.2. Controller Design
 5. Conclusion


  • Keum Hi Mun Department of Industrial Design, Semyung University, Jecheon-si, R. O. Korea
  • Ja Young Kwon Department of Social Welfare, Semyung University, Jecheon-si, R. O. Korea.
  • Bo Hee Lee Department of Electronical Engineering, Semyung University, Jecheon-si, R. O. Korea
  • Jin Soon Jung Department of Fashion Design, Semyung University, Jecheon-si, R. O. Korea


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