

Sweet Spot Search of Array Antenna Beam using the Modified Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic System



This paper presents a method that quickly search for sweet spot of array antenna, and keep it for fast speed transmission in millimeter wave. The proposed method is the Modified Genetic Algorithm (MGA) and Fuzzy Logic system. The MGA is used to find the approximate range as a pre-processing function. And the fuzzy logic system is used to find the exact sweet spot. We can transfer and receive a large data in millimeter wave bandwidth. Because antenna signal accounts for a few bits, influence on communication performance is little. MGA operators are used one-point crossover, rank-based selection, bit string mutation, elitism and 16bit split gene. In the fuzzy logic system, Rule base inference is used the max-min inference procedure. Defuzzification is used the center of gravity computation. The efficiency of the proposed method is verified by means of simulations.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Proposed Method
  2.1. Sweet Spot Search of Array Antenna
  2.2. Modified Genetic Algorithm
  2.3. Fuzzy Logic System
 3. Simulation
 4. Conclusion
 References[1] R. Becher, M.


  • Ki Hwan Eom Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
  • Kyo-Hwan Hyun Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
  • Sen Lin Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
  • Joo Woong Kim Department of Computer Electronics, Seoil University, Seoul, Korea
  • Ji Won Shin Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea


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