

Design New Rule-based Effect Fuzzy Controller



Rule base is one of the important key factors in design of fuzzy controller. The performance of the system is affected if nonlinear parameters are present in the system. This paper presents a method to select rule base size depending on the nonlinear parameters present in the system in parallel with robust sliding mode controller. The significance of the proposed method is tested on highly nonlinear second order system (robot manipulator) using modified rule bases. A criterion is developed for selection of rule base depending on amount of type of system: nonlinearity, multi input- multi output, time variant. The graphical and analytical results are given to show the importance of the proposed method.


 1. Introduction and Background
 2. Theory
 3. Methodology
 4. Results and Discussion
 5. Conclusion


  • Mina Mirzaie Intelligent System and Robotic Lab, Iranian Institute of Advance Science and Technology (IRAN SSP), Shiraz/Iran
  • Farzin Piltan Intelligent System and Robotic Lab, Iranian Institute of Advance Science and Technology (IRAN SSP), Shiraz/Iran
  • Nasri Sulaiman Intelligent System and Robotic Lab, Iranian Institute of Advance Science and Technology (IRAN SSP), Shiraz/Iran, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Shahnaz Tayebi Haghighi Intelligent System and Robotic Lab, Iranian Institute of Advance Science and Technology (IRAN SSP), Shiraz/Iran


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