

The Research of Synthesizing Parallel Computing Models with Graph Reduction



The demands of data analysis and processing make the parallel computing platforms are continuously developed. But the existing parallel computing models which are the core of platforms present the characteristics of diversification, high pertinence and short cycle. So a synthetic model of supporting flexible platforms urgently needs to be researched. This work researches a synthetic model to shield the heterogeneity of parallel computing models under the theories of λ-calculus, functional language and graph reduction. Based on the MapReduce and BSP models, first of all, the performing principles of models are analyzed. And then the unified modalities of models are found. Finally, the synthetic model having high performance is developed with graph reduction rules, and the experiment results are also shown.


 1. Introduction
 2. Graph Reduction
  2.1. λ-calculus
  2.2. Functional Language
 3. The Parallel Computing Models
  3.1. MapReduce
  3.2. BSP
 4. Synthesize the Parallel Computing Models
  4.1. The Unified Modality of Models
  4.2. The Reduction Rules
  4.3. Synthetic Model
 5. The Implementation Architecture of Synthetic Model and Experiments
  5.1. Synthetic Model Architecture
  5.2. Experiment Results
 6. Conclusions and Future Work


  • Shen Chao School of Computer Engineering and Science Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, Institute of Smart City (Sino-France) Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
  • Tong Weiqin School of Computer Engineering and Science Shanghai University, Shanghai, China


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